FreeState deploys protocols to ensure the safety of our members. While cybersecurity is not as visib...

Behind the Scenes of Safety

Tuesday | June 1, 2021
Everybody comes home safe, and everybody has a reason to work safely. There is absolutely no room fo...
The cooperative has taken measures to lessen the impact as much as possible to our members by extend...

Looking Forward to The Next Half

Thursday | April 29, 2021
Starting May 1, 2021, FreeState will begin surveying members with our trusted partner, Inside Inform...
FreeState members will see an adjustment to their May bills reflecting April usage in the form of a ...

Hinds Awarded CHS Cooperative Scholarship

Wednesday | March 10, 2021
Alan Hinds of Lawrence, a senior in agricultural economics has been awarded a CHS Foundation Scholar...
Persistent and extreme cold weather has led to region-wide electricity use that exceeds available ge...

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Tuesday | February 9, 2021