Please call 1-800-794-1989 or use the SmartHub mobile app. To talk to a person, press zero.
FreeState Electric Cooperative launched the Operation Round-Up® program in 2017. Funding for this program is donated by member-owners who voluntarily round their monthly bill to the next even dollar amount. The monies are combined and awarded quarterly.
Recipients are selected by a volunteer committee of members, and contributions are awarded to qualifying 501 (c) 3 non-profit programs, projects, and organizations that work to improve the quality of life in our local communities that emphasize:
- public safety
- healthcare
- self-sufficiency
- basic human needs
- cultural environment
- community leadership
- social issues for youth
Only one grant per year will be awarded to any one organization. All applicants must provide a complete application package for funding consideration.
Please notify the cooperative if you would like to opt-out of this program by calling 1-800-794-1989 or click here.
Grants are reviewed by the volunteer committee who are committed to serving the needs of communities with the support and resources of members. They meet quarterly and are not paid for their time, but mileage can be reimbursed.
Funding for Operation Round-Up is donated by member-owners of FreeState Electric Cooperative who volunteer to round up their monthly electricity bill to the next even dollar amount.
For example:
If your bill is $78.70, it will round up to $79.00 and your contribution for the month is 30¢. Your donation is tax-deductible and never goes above 99¢ per month; the average donation for the year is $6.
This may not sound like a lot, but when donations from all participating members are combined, Operation Round-Up® can do a lot of good.
If you wish to change your participation in the program, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Operation Round-Up® is a program to generate and collect voluntary donations that are used to benefit organizations in FEC’s service area for the purpose of improving the quality of life of our members and their communities. FreeState Electric Cooperative’s Board of Trustees approved to start the charitable giving program. Its concept is an extension of the principle on which electric co-ops were built more than 75 years ago – neighbors helping neighbors to benefit the community in which they work and live.
The program was created by Palmetto Electric Cooperative in South Carolina in 1989, and since then it has been adopted by more than 250 electric cooperatives nationwide. Since its introduction, Operation Round-Up® has raised more than $50 million for Cooperative communities.
Your monthly FreeState Electric bill is rounded up to the nearest dollar amount. All FEC members are automatically enrolled in the program and will remain in the program until they request to be removed from it. Members can opt-out of the program by calling our office at 1-800-794-1989. Pre-Pay Program participants are not automatically enrolled in the program but can participate by calling our office for options. The maximum a member would contribute to the program yearly would be $11.88. The average contribution per member per year would be $6.
The average annual giving is $6 per member, but the most anyone account can give each month is 99 cents – or a maximum of $11.88 per year. The monthly billing statement will indicate how much is being donated, and you will get an annual total of funds donated, as your contributions are tax-deductible.
Yes. Each account is auto-enrolled. If you wish to remove all of your accounts from the program, simply call us or click here.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life for the communities we serve. Cooperatives are governed by seven principles, the seventh principle being Concern for Community. Operation Round-Up® provides FEC with a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate and extend its commitment to its members and their communities. Operation Round-Up is an example of people coming together and pooling their resources to accomplish a greater good. Now, through Operation Round-Up® local residents can come together to create change and provide assistance in their communities through a foundation – something they couldn't do individually on this scale.
The cost to operate the Foundation will be minimal, and less than many of the other community engagement programs in which your cooperative is already involved. Involvement in civic groups, chambers of commerce, and Youth Programs are all examples of programs that demonstrate your cooperative is committed to the communities we serve and has been for decades. Operation Round-Up® is just another program that demonstrates the cooperative difference to improve the communities in our service area.
If 75% of FEC’s members participate in the program, an average of $7,000 a month will be contributed to Operation Round-Up®. At this rate, more than $100,000 annually will be collected for the foundation.
Organizations that seek funding from the foundation must complete a thorough application. Those applications will be reviewed by the volunteer member committee, which may request additional information or determine if personal visits are necessary for fact gathering. The committee then votes on all requests. Organizations may receive only one grant award from the foundation each year.
The FreeState Electric Cooperative Community Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization set up to represent the members of FEC and the funds collected through Operation Round Up® for charitable purposes. The mission of the Foundation is to distribute money collected from FEC members through Operation Round-Up® to worthwhile, charitable, and educational purposes that will improve lives and respond to immediate needs within the counties where the cooperative provides electric service.
Any organization with a 501 (c) 3 distinction in any of the counties served by FEC – Atchison, Osage, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Jackson, Jefferson, Douglas, Leavenworth, Pottawatomie (in Kansas). Based on Foundation guidelines, nonprofits, community-based or volunteer organizations, educational, civic organizations, shelters, and hospitals, may apply for grants.
Applications from qualifying 501 (c) 3 organizations should be targeted to a specific project or program support. Key Focus areas covered by these grants can include education and youth, community need, or medical or disaster-related emergencies. Organizations may receive only one grant award from Operation Round-Up® each year.
Programs at schools will qualify if they are outside the scope of traditional education and the institution’s normal budget. A letter from the school administration noting that the project is outside of the normal budgetary parameters is requested. School applications may need additional paperwork prior to application. To find out if your project would qualify, contact us.
Programs for churches that are qualifying 501 (c) 3 will be considered when there is a direct community impact involved in one of the key focus areas.
The following will NOT be eligible for Operation Round-Up® money:
- individuals
- political groups
- organizations that discriminate.
Yes. FEC has sponsored a wide variety of organizations and programs in our community and continues to support them.
Yes. Each January bill will have a summary of donations for tax purposes.
The committee is governed by five volunteers – any FEC member. Each committee member will serve on an annual basis. The committee reviews applications and makes decisions regarding approval and funding levels within the guidelines Foundation bylaws.
Funding Awards
AUBURN PARKS PROJECT — $2,500 In Auburn, Kansas, their vision and mission is to help connect people and their motto is, “We are happy you are here!” The parks project will provide a permanent concrete cornhole game installation at the City Park.
ROSSVILLE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION — $5,000 The Rossville Community Foundation came to be in 2002 with the mission to build a new pool, and they continue to partner with other community projects to this day. They applied for funds to complete a mile long walking track.
MCLOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARY — $3,000 Funding will be used for a summer reading program for all ages. Something very magical can happen when you read a good book.
USD 330 MISSION VALLEY — $5,000 Funding will be used for Mission Valley USD 330 STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) LEGO® Robots.
CAPPER FOUNDATION — $2,500 Since 1920, Capper Foundation has been changing lives of children, teens and adults with disabilities. Funds will be used for computer upgrades in all seven of their residential locations.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF NORTHEAST KANSAS — $5,000 Funds distributed to the Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas help support the basic needs of the Leavenworth Family Support Center.
NORTONVILLE LIBRARY — $10,000 Funding for the Nortonville Public Library will be used to purchase a new circulation desk.
TOPEKA COMMUNITY CAT FIX — $1,500 Funds will support the mission of the Topeka Community Cat Fix: to reduce and stabilize the over population of community cats living in Shawnee County through Trap-Neuter-VaccinateReturn (TNVR) programs.
DOUGLAS COUNTY 4-H FOUNDATION — $2,000 Funds will support “Day on the Farm” activities for fourth grade students in Douglas County.
DOVER COMMUNITY CENTER — $2,252 The Dover Community Center came to be in 2004 when USD 330 gave the building to the community. Funds will be used for the purchase of new lighting equipment that will then be installed by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) volunteers.
ORU 2023 Allocations
Generosity and giving are important aspects of the 7th cooperative principle: Concern for Community. In 2023, participating members should feel great, knowing the impact of their generous actions.
The Operation Round-Up organization has been helping area organizations and communities for seven years. In that time, members who contribute by rounding up each month have assisted 109 organizations with $447,467 to make impacts on places and communities that we all call home. Funding for Operation Round-Up is donated by member-owners of FreeState Electric Cooperative who volunteer to round-up their monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar amount.
The FreeState Foundation Committee facilitates the program with the help of a volunteer member committee. Members on this committee meet to review and award grant monies quarterly.
The Volunteer Member Committee members are:
Melinda Harwood, McLouth
Morgan Starcher (Murrfield Farms), McLouth
Deron Johnson, Silver Lake
Carol Marple, Wakarusa
The committee allocations are made possible by the generosity of the members participating in the program. No matter how great or small the act, each time we give back, we strengthen our community. A few extra coins a month can quickly add up to a significant change for our local communities and volunteer-driven organizations across the FreeState service territory.
For more information or how to apply for funding visit: . Applications can be completed online. Application deadlines are March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 of each calendar year. Please notify our billing department if you would like to opt out (or in) of Operation Round Up by calling 800-794-1989.
Below are the allocations in 2023 equaling $47,800. These dollars provided 14 local organizations funding to carry out the cooperative principle Concern for Community across FreeState’s nine county service territory. We sincerely appreciate members who participate in this charitable giving program. We could not do what we do for our communities without you.
North Topeka Outreach -$1,500
North Topeka Outreach provides emergency assistance to individuals and families who are facing financial crisis situations. These crises could lead to (worsening) health issues, eviction, or basic utilities being disconnected. These funds will will help members of the local community facing hardship.
Pawsitively Jefferson County- $1,000
PJC reduces, stabilizes, and vaccinates feral cats through a partnership with K-State Vet Med. There is currently a waiting list of 450 cats. Additional funding will double the number of cats we can fix each month by taking the cats to the HHHS.
Catholic Charities of NEK -$5,000
Funds distributed to the Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas will help support the Leavenworth Family Support Center.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library - $2,500
As the local affiliate, Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Douglas County pays approximately $1.10 per enrolled child. The allocated dollars will provide books for approximately two months of the program, or 4,545 books.
Oskaloosa Rural Housing Development- $16,000
ORHD owns and operates three low-income, elderly apartment complexes in Oskaloosa. Madison and Rhodes Apartment bathing safety project that converts tub-style showers to walk-in showers to provide safe and accessible bathing facilities for residents. With safety as a priority, ORHD will use the funds for walk-in, slip-resistant, easy entry showers for 15 apartment units.
Capper Foundation- $4,000
Families with a child with a disability are generally financially challenged to meet all the expenses that arise for their child. Capper Foundation makes the Pediatric Scholarship Assistance Fund available to families so they are assured their child will not be denied therapy services. Funds will also help to cover the costs of replacing the two harnesses to ensure the child's safety using the therapy equipment.
Leavenworth Co. Humane Society- $1,000
The project funding will go towards roofing outdoor kennel areas. Outdoor kennels are covered with tarps, and they are looking for a long-term solution.
Helping Hands Humane Society- $1000
There are 140 kennels in the facility that need mesh metal toppers. Dogs that can climb are able to get out of the kennels. The original design of the facility did not include toppers. This funding would allow for the purchase and installation of toppers for a portion of the kennels.
Delaware Township Library- $300
The funding will go to the purchase of adjustable height tables and new folding chairs to be used by both children and adults. Currently, children stand on chairs to reach table height, which is unsafe.
Silver Lake USD 372 Education Foundation- $3,500
Silver Lake to provide students and adults with disabilities with job and life skills in an inclusive setting. Funds will go towards a student-led coffee shop in partnership with Dialogue Coffee and The Capper Foundation.
Dover Community Center- $7,500
Funding for Dover Community Center went towards a project to replace the existing flat roof over the gymnasium side of the building. The DCC Board of Directors chose to break the roofing project into 2 phases. Phase I is to install a gable roof to replace the current flat roof over the gymnasium/kitchen area.
Douglas County 4-H Foundation, Inc.- $2,000
K-State Research and Extension Douglas County in cooperation with the Douglas County 4-H Foundation will hold an event called Day on the Farm. Day on the Farm is provided to Douglas County 4th -grade classes and offers students an opportunity to learn the value of agriculture and directly educate students about production agriculture, conservation, soil health, nutrition, and career exploration.
Pantry of Hope/Joyful Hearts- $1,500
Joyful Hearts with Helping Hands is a part of the Pantry of Hope, Inc. in Nortonville, Kansas. They provide free clothing (new-born to senior citizens) and personal hygiene items for anyone in need that comes to the store. For additional storage and easier accessibility, their goal is to place a 12’ x 24’ shed behind the store. The storage will be built to sustain for many years to come.
House of Hope- $1,000
House of Hope’s mission is to promote self-sufficiency of the homeless population. As soon as they are accepted into the program, the House Leader starts working with them to obtain employment. If needed, House of Hope funds the new resident for the first 3 weeks of their enrollment. Grant funding will help to cover the first 3 weeks while they are securing employment.

December 2020
Pantry of Hope - $10,000
Joyful Hearts with Helping Hands began serving in December of 2016. The former doctor's clinic in Nortonville was purchased in 2018. The parking area and sidewalks leading to the building are broken and need replacement with cement.
Replacing the parking lot cement and sidewalks will improve the general safety and accessibility to the building for all patrons and volunteers. It necessitates accessible parking, sidewalks and doorways for persons using a wheelchair or limited walking ability. Safer access to the building could alleviate the potential for an injury or a lawsuit.
Jefferson County Ambulance - $3,500
The Jefferson County Ambulance Service will be purchasing a new Sapphire Multi-Therapy Infusion devices and start-up supplies for the pumps. This purchase is to provide our service and staff members the tools to provide the highest quality of care safely for our patients. At current time IV pumps are borrowed from health care institutions to provide medications at a continuous rate, safely.
This pump will allow our staff to continuously infuse IV fluids and medications using a pre-programmed library of medications. The pump is patient-specific and will be able to be programmed to infuse a certain amount of medication based on the patient’s weight or the amount of medication to be infused. The pump will allow us to provide medications and fluids to both adults and pediatrics. The pump can be programmed for multiple concentrations of medications.
Our expectations for this product is to more accurately account for fluid given to any patient we transport. This will help with documentation on our patient. This will increase patient safety as we will be able to accurately show the exact amount of medication given.
September 2020
Delia Pride - $2,000
The Delia Community PRIDE funding will go toward temporary repair to a large section of flat roof on the former Delia Grade School.
In 2008 the local school district closed the Delia Grade School and deeded the building to the City of Delia. What was a very generous donation became a huge burden to a small town of 169 residents. That year a committee of Delia citizens formed what they called Delia PRIDE to raise money to maintain the building as a community center for Delia. Delia PRIDE and the City of Delia’s goal was to have the former school to be operated and maintained without raising taxes. After 8 years of hard work and constant fundraising and when a $5,000 heat pump unit needed to be replaced, it was decided to become a 501c3 non-profit so that grants could be obtained to continue our mission.
The former school includes a ball field, concession stand, and playground. DCP maintains these areas with the city’s help with mowing. Four of the classrooms in the school are rented as storage and workshops to two local artisans for their craft and art restoration businesses. Rental income is also earned from the use of the Commons Area and gym for family gatherings, receptions, etc.
Three of the classrooms are utilized by DCP as the Delia Thrift Store. Clothing, housewares, décor, and various miscellaneous items are sold at a very reasonable price to patrons that come to shop at our monthly 2nd Saturday fundraiser. The fundraiser typically includes breakfast, but in 2020 because of COVID 19, the breakfasts along with our DHS Alumni dinner and Delia Days festival have been canceled. The loss of the revenue from these canceled fundraising events has left our funds unusually depleted.
Suicide HQ - $4,000
KSPHQ is seeking funds to train the spring classes of volunteer counselors through our 10-week training program. The NSPL program is primarily staffed by volunteer counselors and a few paid counselors. Our counselor training program is a rigorous, 100-hour program that includes online training, homework, and observation shifts.
As suicides have increased in Kansas, call volume has increased, and staffing a large pool of counselors has been vital. Between 2015 and 2018, KSPHQ’s call volume for NSPL calls has increased from 9,000 calls to 14,000 calls. In 2019, KSPHQ received 3,082 calls from people in counties that include FreeState Electric Cooperative’s coverage area. In order to accommodate more callers, KSPHQ has doubled the number of training classes it graduates from three to six and runs two classes of counselors concurrently three times a year.
Doorstep Inc - $2,500
Provide direct assistance to those in need. Funding primarily goes to pay for rent or utilities to help people stay connected and housed.
Valencia Fire (SNCO #4) - $5,000
The department requested funding to purchase a water rescue boat that will assist in not only local emergencies but allow for providing mutual aid to neighboring counties.
Capper Foundation - $4,300
The funding will be used to purchase a specialized adapted activity chair to be used during feeding therapy for children who need more support to eat safely. This includes children with low muscle tone, poor posture, and poor head control, poor oral motor control, and children who are easily distracted with their surroundings. The Rifton activity chair with a tilt in space feature and customized supports will help us to position the child into correct posture and alignment needed to safely eat and swallow food. The chair is on casters which will allow it to be moved easily to different therapy rooms, and for storage. The headrest, tray and footrest are all adjustable to meet the needs of a variety of children who need assistance with their feeding skills. Parents can see the chair and learn about the importance of proper positioning for safe feeding for their child.
June 2020
Lecompton Fire - $5,500
Funding was granted to the Lecompton Fire Department to obtain Thermal Imaging Cameras (TIC). The cameras are considered essential equipment for fire departments. A TIC detects infrared radiation as visible light, allowing firefighters to see through smoke, darkness, or heat-permeable barriers. A TIC will serve as extremely valuable tools for a variety of reasons, such as:
- Conducting searches for occupants in structure fires
- Post-fire overhaul, detecting lingering hot spots and locations of the fire's origin
- Improve vision during wildland fires, when heavy smoke can jeopardize the safety of personnel on the ground or operating apparatus
- Outdoor search and rescue with the ability to detect body heat
- Motor vehicle accident rescue to search for unaccounted for victims
- General Hazmat response by improving the ability to identify the location and the extend of spreads of dangerous materials.
Funding was granted to purchase one camera.
Brothers in Blue Reentry - $5,000
The funding provided is to be used for direct assistance only toward the COVID-19 Alumni Emergency Response Fund. This project provides emergency funding for outside alumni members who have been furloughed from jobs, and do not have sufficient work history to collect unemployment benefits and those who have been recently released and are unable to obtain employment. These funds are used to assist with rent, utilities, and transportation, as well as bills and medications, etc.
The project related to the mission of transformational hope and helping promote success beyond incarceration to build a solid support system and transition to life outside.
Shawnee Fire District #2 – Auburn - $7,500
The funding granted to the FD is to outfit one brush truck with a flatbed system. This would allow those fighting fires to safely ride the truck while extinguishing fires and would remove significant exposure to personnel. This would also allow the department to meet the obligations set forth in the development of the Wildland Task Force, which would make our trucks deployable anywhere in the state at any time to support wildland firefighting operations.
City of Auburn - $2,500
The funding granted to the city of Auburn will be used to add a park bench, garden swing, and trash can to the city's newly renovated park.
McLouth Public Library - $3,500
The funding granted to the library is to be used to repair and replace items used by the patrons using the library. There are no stipulations on the use of this funding, although the committee would like to see funding used for the items listed below:
- Replacement of lights and ceiling fans
- Replacement of the librarian monitor
- Desks
- Monitors
- Printer
- Lockers
- Toilets
- Etc.
Jayhawk Area Council - Boy Scouts - $2,500
The funding granted to the Boy Scout organization is to be used toward the replacement of a commercial dishwasher.
March 2020
Perry UMC - $1,000
Blessing Box project that will provide food or personal items 24/7 for the area around Perry, specifically serving the USD 343 area.
Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas (CCNEK) - $5,000
CCNEK provides a Stabilization Service program that aids with housing and utilities to prevent eviction, disconnection, and/or restoration of utility services.
The Leavenworth EAC continues to provide utility assistance and housing assistance even though funding has decreased due to the directional focus change of many private/corporate foundations. CCNEK served 2 percent fewer individuals last year, however, the Leavenworth EAC saw an 8 percent increase in individuals assisted with multiple services. Due to the location of CCNEK and the Leavenworth LEC, it is estimated that this program assisted 24 percent of all Kansans in poverty and 55 percent of those in poverty in Leavenworth County.
The committee also allocated $5,000 toward a partnership with CCNEK for developing a FreeState bill relief fund to help members facing electric bills they are unable to pay due to the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2019, FreeState members generously gave $113,412 in spare change through the Operation Round-Up® program, benefiting local organizations. This year brings the total donated since the launch of the program in 2017 to $194,892. The FreeState Community Foundation facilitates the program with the help of a volunteer member committee that reviews and awards grant funds quarterly.
The committee allocated $48,480 in 2017 and $64,980 in 2018, all made possible by the generosity of members participating in the program.
No matter how great or small the act, every time we give back, we strengthen our community. It only takes a few coins a month to add up to a significant change for our local communities and volunteer-driven organizations across the FreeState service territory.
The following organizations and their specific projects were funded in 2019.
The Auburn Park Project – $14,500
The Auburn Park Project is an independent organization tied to the City of Auburn with the sole purpose of building a better quality of life in and around the community. The park project provides wellness and involvement at zero cost to citizens.
Stull UMC – Back to School Project – $1,500
The church’s “Back to School” project has been an exciting event for the community since 2010. Every summer names are collected for children in need of school items and in August the children pick up these supplies and are also given back-to-school clothing from the clothes closet the church maintains year-round.
Capper Foundation – $3,016
For the purchase of a height-adjustable changing table to benefit both caregivers and wheelchair users. The table lowers to accommodate transfers, and then rises to a comfortable working height. The Capper Foundation provides residential and day services for medically fragile adults with disabilities, outside of a nursing home.
Royal Valley Community Learning Center Childcare – $5,000
The funded project includes updates to the dedicated classroom including floors, storage, and paint. Funds will also provide books, toys, games, art and school supplies.
Silver Lake Public Library – $3,000
The Silver Lake Public Library continues to work on the expansion and renovation project with the goal to improve library services. Proposed improvements include staffing areas and storage to allow the staff more room, open up areas for more library materials, and improve counter space and storage areas.
KSU Mesonet – $9,000
A weather data network called the Mesonet includes 60 stations across Kansas. Each station measures wind speed/direction, air temperature/humidity, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, soil temperature, and soil moisture. Funding provided to the project will add a weather station to the network in Jefferson County.
Shawnee County Fire District No. 2, Auburn – $3,500
The fire department in Auburn received funding to purchase the Stokes Basket and grain bin rescue tools to increase the department’s ability to provide prompt rescue services in the rural community. The purchase of both items will allow the department to provide mutual aid rescue services to surrounding districts.
Race Against Breast Cancer – $2,000
The Race Against Breast Cancer is a privately funded, non-profit organization working to improve health through education, access, early detection, and breast health awareness in northeast Kansas. They accomplish this by providing breast health education materials to those in medical and financial need through a partnership with area health clinics. The RABC also pays for screening and diagnostic mammography services for those in medical and financial need. The group assists 400 to 600 individuals per year.
Perry-Lecompton Elementary – $3,649.46
Funding provided multisensory literacy instruction and provided staff with the curriculum, tools, and training needed. Students can explore the sensory hallways daily for exercise and sensory input. Funding will also create a literacy lab in the Perry Elementary library for the benefit of all students. The students will move in small groups through structured tasks that focus on literacy skills like phonemic awareness. The literacy lab will change weekly to keep kids engaged in learning.
God’s Storehouse, Meriden – $10,000
A change in landowners has given the organization a unique opportunity to invest in the long-term sustainability in the organization with the purchase of adjacent land.
Jefferson County Fire Dept. No. 9, McLouth – $25,000
To further perform lifesaving procedures, the fire department received funding to purchase a 2011 x-series cardiac monitor AED that is compatible with the local ambulance service.
Dover Food Pantry – $1,000
Funding will be dedicated to the ongoing support of the pantry to provide food and toiletry items to those in need.
Jefferson County Historical Society – $2,500
The historical society asked for funding to restore the boardwalk/porch area on the front side of the Reynolds General Store. Without needed repair to the building, the porch will pull away from the main building and allow moisture to enter the building.
K-State Research and Extension – Douglas County – $2,000
K-State Research and Extension offers a free, out-of-the-classroom educational field trip called Day on the Farm. Funding provided assists the Lawrence Public School District in transportation costs.
Oskaloosa Public Library – $1,900
With library volunteers providing the labor, the funding will help to develop an outdoor community area with a concrete table, benches, planters for flowers, drainage extenders, and other small items.
Topeka YMCA/Rock Steady Boxing – $2,300
Rock Steady Boxing is a unique exercise program, based on training by boxing pros, and adapted to people with Parkinson’s disease. The program incorporates boxing moves into a class of calisthenics, cardio, and flexibility training. The funding will provide pay to instructors, items for class, the licensing fee for the program, and training and certification for the coaches.
Silver Lake Fire Dept. – $13,305
Funds from Operation Round-Up will help develop a grain bin rescue team trained and capable of performing rescues for Shawnee County and other neighboring counties. The department would like to purchase equipment for the team, including ropes, harness, and other tools for a rescue that can also double for water rescue, accidents, and extractions.
Valley Falls EMS – $7,242
Funding will assist the department in purchasing a power lift cot for one of the two ambulances. These cots help volunteer staff with safely lifting patients. The cot will also decrease the likelihood of volunteer injuries.
Meriden Antique Engine and Threshing Association – $2,500
The Bloomfield Church is part of the living history town, Cottonwood Station. Funding is to help the restoration process.
No matter how great or small the act, every time we give back, we strengthen our community. It only takes a few coins a month to add up to a significant change for our local communities and volunteer-driven organizations across the FreeState service territory.
The following organizations and their specific projects were funded in 2018.
Silver Lake Fire Department - $500
Shawnee County Fire District No. 1 provides emergency services, fire suppression, medical first response, rescue, fire prevention, and inspection services in the district that includes the city of Silver Lake.
The volunteers that serve this fire department respond to a wide variety of emergency and non-emergency calls. Often these calls require working alongside public roadways and highways. Some of these calls occur during the dark, and it is essential that firefighters be safe when responding to emergencies.
The department was awarded $500 to purchase visibility vests that would then outfit the entire department, becoming part of an individual's protective gear. Visibility vests provide features that enhance safety at emergency scenes.
The department requested this funding from Operation Round-Up because not everyone in the department had access to a vest. There was a vest in every seat, but not enough for every member of the department. With the funding provided these vests be able to be purchased.
Jefferson County 4-H Archery - $500
4-H youth from across Jefferson County participate in archery as part of the Shooting Sports Program.
The program practices every Sunday from mid-April through September. The club owns several bows for shooters if they do not have their own, and youth ages 8 to 18 learn how to handle archery equipment safely. They learn proper shooting techniques, and as progress is made they begin to learn more about the sport of archery.
In January 2018, an enclosed trailer was purchased to store and transport club owned equipment securely. The club owns recurve bows, target stands and butts, target faces, 3-D targets, net, arrows, a pop-up canopy, toolboxes, metal detectors, and miscellaneous administrative equipment (used in competition and practices). The club applied to Operation Round-Up for funding to assist in outfitting the trailer for efficient workflow and organization when it came to store and transport the trailer.
The trailer was purchased to keep all equipment together, dry, and shaded when competing and practicing across Northeast Kansas. Funding from Operation Round-Up will build bow racks, locks, and other storage functionality. By being able to customize the trailer for the equipment, it will provide adequate, proper and secure storage while traveling.
Doorstep, Inc. - $2,500
Doorstep, Inc. provides emergency services for families and individuals in need. They assist with food, clothing, rent, utilities, medical bills, gas vouchers, and local bus tickets. Fifty-five interfaith member congregations support the organization with monetary and food donations, volunteers, board members, and coordinators.
The organization applied for funding from Operation Round-Up to primarily assist with utilities. A limit of $300 per person, one time in a 12-month period, can provide payment to keep services turned on.
Doorstep not only provides funding but also includes education on how to budget and manage money. The organization is connected with other helping agencies that allow tracking services and checks for eligibility and prevent duplication.
The funding granted by Operation Round-Up will be used to assist in providing basic needs and a helping hand. With the money provided 11 individuals could be helped with utility bills and relieve some financial stresses while getting back on their feet.
McLouth Public Library - $3,000
The library was asking for assistance with their media section with new computers for patrons. Libraries in small towns are the main line of communication for some rural communities and having access to the Internet.
Funding provided would replace four of the six computers, and the circulation computer. Upgrading computers at the library would increase the quality of services patrons have access to in McLouth. Funding granted would not only allow for an improved media section but will also assist with other improvements that are not possible due to the small operations budget the library works through.
Let’s Help - $1,000
Let’s Help provides services that promote self-sufficiency and work to help break the cycle of poverty. The organization provides 89,000 free meals per year and emergency food boxes and clothing to 13,000. Also, Let’s Help also annually provides adult education/GED classes to 200 students and job readiness and computer training to clients 55 years of age and older.
Let’s Help requested funding for their Community Outreach Meal Program and the Food Bank. They provide hot, nutritious meals from scratch in the commercial kitchen to low-income families, the homeless, the elderly, disabled, children, and veterans. The individuals assisted by Let’s Help are the working poor, homeless, and folks unable to meet their basic food needs.
The Emergency Food Box program provides families in need with a three-day to a five-day allowance of food for individuals in the household.
Valley Falls Community Trust - $6,000
The Valley Falls Community Trust was formed to receive and distribute donations for the benefit of the health and well0being and improvement of the community and surrounding area.
Valley Falls recently constructed a new swimming pool, and the VFCT was helping to raise and distribute funding to purchase items that the passed sales tax did not cover. The swimming pool is vital to the small town of Valley Falls because it provides swimming lessons, and day and evening classes. There are people from surrounding communities that come and take adult aerobic classes at the pool, as well.
The funding provided to the VFCT will purchase items needed to complete the pool. Items like lifeguard chairs, lockers, equipment for the concession area, and lighting were all listed under the proposed project.
Integrated Behavior Technologies - $3,000
IBT provides services to serve Kansas children and families who cannot access treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder due to low income or geographic isolation.
IBT requested funding to make improvements to the KIDS Place Early Learning Center facility in McLouth. This facility serves 32 children and provides opportunities for children to reach milestones.
There are multiple improvement projects the facility needs, and funding through Operation Round-Up will help meet the financial goals to complete these projects.
Hope Inc., Leavenworth $4,500
HOPE, Inc. is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing low-cost sterilization services and vaccines for pets. This critical service helps eliminate the overpopulation and burden each county faces. It is clear we can continue growing and improve the welfare of the pets in our communities and help people as well by providing this extremely low-cost affordable clinic. This will continue to lower the number of pets in our areas that end up abandoned and taken to shelters and help people be responsible pet owners. Hope Clinic would be able to continue to grow and make a difference in Leavenworth and Jefferson County homes with the monies to fund additional capabilities. Hope Inc., has several items of need for the clinic, and Operation Round-Up has provided funding for an anesthesia machine and oxygen concentrator.
LAWS (Leavenworth Animal Welfare Society) Leavenworth $860
Awarded LAWS is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to ending unwanted litters of dogs and cats in the local community. It provides free sterilization services and thereby eliminates the need for euthanasia as the quick and easy option in the county with very limited resources. In addition, with LAWS being available as a service provider to Leavenworth and Jefferson county it also serves as a value-added answer by helping provide spay/neuter and state-required vaccines. As a direct result, LAWS is saving taxpayers money by lowering the burden of intake at the shelters (i.e. Leavenworth Animal Control). As a final bonus, it has been proven that spayed/neutered animals are less likely to bite and this makes the community a much safer environment when animals are altered. LAWS is requesting funds to continue growing and helping animals which in turn helps people. The Free Spay/Neuter program was started in February 2010. Here our LAWS' statistics to date showing that our organization has more than doubled in helping animals/people. LAWS is needed and is making a positive difference and below are the captured statistics since the program began operation.
Delia Fire Department, Delia $2,500
The Delia Fire Department is asking for a power meter to be installed by the Delia Water tower for powering a radio repeater. The Fire Department will be assisted by the Jackson County Sheriff’s department in this project. The installation of the repeater will greatly improve the radio signal for paging and boosting all radio communications for all emergency services in the district. All funding for this project will go directly to the installation of the power meter for the repeater.
Silver Lake Public Library, Silver Lake $3,000
Silver Lake Public Library would like to purchase 16 Launch Pads and 15 Playaway recorded books for ages preschool through grade six. The Launch Pad s will all be STEAM themed [science, technology, engineering, art, math]. STEAM is a way to take the benefits of STEM and complete the package by integrating these principles in and through the arts. STEAM takes STEM to the next level: it allows students to connect their learning in these critical areas together with arts practices, elements, design principles, and standards to provide the whole pallet of learning at their disposal. STEAM removes limitations and replaces them with wonder, critique, inquiry, and innovation. The Playaway recorded books are titles that are popular with elementary school-age children. We believe by providing these first-class materials we are also supporting our values-all of them. We currently have two AWE Early Learning Stations for ages 2-8. The fun, interactive, and engaging content spans all seven curricular areas: math, science & nature, social studies & geography, reading, art & music, writing & computer skill s, and reference.
Silver Lake Public Library Foundation, Silver Lake $3,120
The Foundation's mission is to contribute to the improvement of library services. Revamping the display areas and space for patrons to use their own devices will enhance services already offered. Patrons will have better access to periodicals, new materials, and space to use their own devices. Because the building itself will be more accessible, we expect the Library to have more visitors. Funding is earmarked for the following display items: audio bookshelf, periodical display shelf, and new materials display.
Valley Falls Recreation Committee-$10,000
The organization is asking for assistance to improve and expand the facilities at the ball fields by making them ADA compliant and include a concession stand. The group pointed out specific help needed for the awning that covered the concession area. The project is said to help improve access to restrooms and concessions while beautifying ballfields.
Catholic Charities of NEK-$5,000
CCNEK provides a Stabilization Service program that aids with housing and utilities to prevent eviction, disconnection, and/or restoration of utility services. The Leavenworth EAC continues to provide utility assistance and housing assistance even though funding has decreased due to the directional focus change of many private/corporate foundations. CCNEK served 2 percent fewer individuals last year, however, the Leavenworth EAC saw an 8 percent increase in individuals assisted with multiple services. Due to the location of CCNEK and the Leavenworth LEC, it is estimated that this program assisted 24 percent of all Kansans in poverty and 55 percent of those in poverty in Leavenworth County.
Tonganoxie Public Library-$3,000
The Chieftain Café project provides children and teens an opportunity to come to the library after school Monday-Friday, 3:30 to 5:00 pm to choose a healthy snack that they might not otherwise be able to acquire. Since opening Chieftain Café in January of 2017, the project has had 18,951 visits (as of July 1st, 2018) from children and teens. In addition, daily activities have been supplemented to encourage teamwork and an environment where friendships, new and old can flourish.
Delaware Township Public Library-$2,000
The library will be replacing computers for the library that will be accessible to the public.
Dover Federated Church Food Pantry-$1,000
This is an outreach program within Dover aiding those needing some food and toiletries to make it through the month. It was pointed out that this food pantry is housed at the Dover Federated Church only because the church has the cupboard, refrigerator, and freezer space available; however, it is for the community people. Those getting assistance do not have to be affiliated with the church.
Silver Lake Grade School Library-$1,000
The non-fiction section at the library was lacking and outdated. The library wishes to update the collection that is more current and appealing to students. This update would work in conjunction with the 40 Book Challenge program implemented by the library to allow students to explore multiple genres of books. In addition, the addition of the non-fiction will also help students understand how to read the material and utilize non-fiction to research projects and assignments. The state assessments show students score significantly lower on information text. Updating the collection would allow students to work on increasing that skill by reading non-fiction independently.
Jefferson Co. Alliance of Social Councils-$7,500
The mission of the Jefferson County Alliance of Service Councils is to improve quality comprehensiveness, and accountability of the local human service delivery system, by strengthening the collaboration, effectiveness, and efficiency of all its members through the sharing of services, information, resources, and appropriate funding.
The Jefferson County Alliance of Service Council includes multiple agencies. These groups provide services, resources, and technical assistance to children, youth, families, and adults.
Those involved are:
All six school districts
Jefferson County Health Department
The Guidance Center•Keystone Learning Services
F.W. Huston
Jefferson County Extension
Sexual Trauma and Abuse Center
The Willow Domestic Violence Center
Independence, Inc.
Highland Community College
Multiple churches and libraries in the county
The Suicide Prevention Task Force is a new project of the council and was formed to address the rising needs in the county after the CDC released a report regarding the
Operation Round-Up funding will assist in providing training to 60 individuals within Jefferson county to be more prepared to discuss and intervene with those who are struggling with depression, stress, anxiety and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. This in turn should help decrease the number of suicide attempts and deaths in our county.
Shawnee Heights FFA-$5,000
The project funded for Shawnee Heights Agriculture Program is a program to raise livestock as a component of agriculture courses offered. Students would be able to have hands-on learning experiences with basic care of the animal, designing facilities, create vaccination plans, balancing feed rations, and grooming practices. This would allow for rural and urban students to have hands-on experience with the curriculum that's being learned in the classroom. By completing this project, 75rural and urban students will have a better understanding of where food comes from and the animal agriculture industry. Students will also be able to make educated decisions when it comes to feeding and vaccination programs. Other results that are expected from this project are seeing growth in the agricultural education program at Shawnee Heights. The mission of Shawnee Heights agriculture programs and the FFA chapter of 56 students is to make a positive difference by developing leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. By adding this component to the program, students can include raising livestock on their resume for a potential career in the agricultural field.
No matter how great or small the act, every time we give back, we strengthen our community. It only takes a few coins a month to add up to a significant change for our local communities and volunteer-driven organizations across the FreeState service territory.
The following organizations and their specific projects were funded in 2017.
Mayetta Spray Park
Pledging $6,000 toward the building of a new spray park.
Delaware Public Library
Award $1,000 to use $450 for their exact request and then $550 to improve inventory.
Topeka YMCA, $2,500
The funding awarded to the YMCA of Topeka is to be used for the pilot program of the Rock Steady Boxing program developed for those who have Parkinson’s.
Catholic Charities of NEK, $2,500
The funding awarded to the CCNEK is to be used in Leavenworth county as part of their emergency fund to provide financial support to those with immediate needs in Leavenworth county.
God's Storehouse -Meriden, $1,000
The funding awarded to God’s Storehouse in Meriden is to be used for purchasing food or improving the infrastructure of the pantry.
Valley Falls Food Pantry, $1,000
The funding awarded to Valley Falls Food Pantry is to be used for purchasing food or improving the infrastructure of the pantry (food storage, refrigeration, etc.).
Jefferson County Historical Committee, $2,500
The funding awarded to the Jefferson County Historical Society is to be used for the restoration of the John S. Curry home.