It's Electric! An Ask Matt Special Feature

Monday | January 25, 2021
Believe it or not, we’re seeing an increased amount of questions regarding electric vehicles and if ...

Youth Can Unlock Success at KEY Conference

Friday | January 15, 2021
Selected delegates who participate will be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship from FreeState. In addi...

New In 2022: FreeState CEO

Friday | January 1, 2021
Welcome to 2022! It has been quite an interesting two years since the beginning of the pandemic. Sti...

Looking Ahead To A New Year

Wednesday | December 23, 2020
I think it’s safe to say we were all ready to say goodbye to 2020. Other than the birth of my grandd...

Cooperation Provides Rate Stability

Wednesday | December 23, 2020
Under their unique cooperative programming, the Kansas Cooperative Sun Power Program is a series of ...

Much To Be Thankful For

Monday | November 23, 2020
It’s the time of year we often spend reflecting on the events of the past year. We have so many than...

Cold Weather Rule Reminder

Friday | November 20, 2020
FreeState does not participate in the Cold Weather Rule established by the Kansas Corporation Commis...

Kansas Cooperative Sun Power Program

Tuesday | November 17, 2020
Using the sixth cooperative principle of cooperation among cooperatives, twelve cooperatives in Kans...