From the CEO

It’s the time of year we often spend reflecting on the events of the past year. We have so many thank you notes to pass along after one of the most challenging years we’ve faced. As happy as some will be to see 2020 go, it’s crucial in the face of adversity to remember what we are grateful for and to see the silver lining in the situations we find ourselves in.

Thank you to those who put the health and well-being of those we love, our friends, co-workers and neighbors first. Those who kept us well and those who rose to the challenge and helped when they could. Thank you to all the front-line workers, many who are members, who continue to help others and provide essential goods and services for our communities. We couldn’t have done 2020 without you. You took care of neighbors, you reached out, and you came together as communities. Know that you are appreciated beyond measure.

Thank you to those who protect our communities. The police officers, firefighters and first responders who work so hard to keep us safe. We can’t forget those serving our country who may not be with family or loved ones this holiday season. We are grateful for the opportunity to help community organizations who provide needed assistance in a time of uncertainty and to the members who make it possible through their generosity and participation in the Operation Round-Up® program. We thank those who participate and volunteer their time and talents to make the program a success.

Thank you to our line crews and employees who went above and beyond to maintain safe working conditions to continue our mission of serving our members. We have an incredible staff here at FreeState, but we are more than just cooperative employees. We’re family members, moms, dads and siblings. We’re sons and daughters, and maybe even grandparents. We work within our communities. We’re finding innovative ways to not only serve members but lead 4-H and scouting groups, teach Sunday school and volunteer our time.

At FreeState, we are reminded why we do what we do when we interact with members. We appreciate each of you, who continually trust us to provide one of the necessities of modern life. We thank you for your patience, your concern, your positive thoughts, and your feedback.

It makes us strive to be better.