from the ceo

I think it’s safe to say we were all ready to say goodbye to 2020. Other than the birth of my granddaughter, good riddance to 2020. What a year it was, but we’re ready to look ahead and take a leap toward some exciting new projects FreeState is going to be working on in 2021. 

The first project is solar power. This is a big project for not only us but cooperatives across the state. FreeState is joining 11 other cooperatives to bring our members clean energy that will not only reduce our carbon footprint but will help us reach our goal of rate stability by helping the co-op save on the wholesale power bill. 

This has been an incredible project to be a part of, and I’m excited for the future of this project and how it will impact not only us here at FreeState but our neighboring cooperatives as well. We heard you all loud and clear — solar is an interest of our members and we’ve figured out a way to bring you an option that is a low investment and at a low cost. 

We also cannot forget our regular business, and that includes the election of our trustees and the annual meeting. We’re going to try again, and hopefully we’ll be able to see you all in some way shape or form. Our staff is constantly monitoring county orders and although we have the date saved for April 27, 2021, just know we will communicate with our members if anything changes. Because as we know from 2020, it can, and may change quickly. 

That being said, it’s also time to start thinking about trustee elections. As a member-owned cooperative, you have a voice, and a vote, on how your cooperative is governed. We will be electing three trustees in 2021, and if you have any interest in serving your neighbors on the board I invite and encourage you to check out where you’ll find information on how you can run for a trustee position. We want individuals who are committed to serving their neighbors and making decisions that guide our cooperative. 

All the application requirements are listed on our website, and we have added an electronic application for your convenience. The deadline to apply is Feb. 4, 2021. 

As always, if you have questions about The contents in this publication or other general questions or concerns please contact us by email at or 800-794-1989.