FreeState Electric Cooperative invests in our youth with opportunities that are designed to reflect the realities of our society and its preference for dynamic, personal interactions.

FreeState is proud to partner with Kansas Electric Cooperatives to sponsor all-expense paid experiences that not only build confidence and leadership skills but provide students with an opportunity to learn more about themselves and the world around them.

These experiences are all-expenses-paid and will truly be the experiences of a lifetime for area youth. FreeState sponsors one student for each of the following experiences:

  • Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington D.C. is June 14-20, 2024.
  • Youth Leadership Camp in Steamboat Springs, CO is July 12-18, 2024.

Application Eligibility

A high school student enrolled in the 11th year (junior) whose parent(s) or guardian(s) receive electric service from FreeState Electric Cooperative, Inc., and reside full-time in the FreeState service territory.

How to Apply

Students can apply by completing the online application form that provides information about the student, including activities and characteristics that make them an ideal individual to represent FreeState. In addition, each student is required to submit a short essay that will accompany their application.

Essay Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when submitting your essay.

  1. Submit an essay of at least 500 words, but not exceeding 1500.
  2. Work should be original and unpublished. 
  3. Use of artificial intelligence should be limited. 
  4. Do not put your name on your essay.

Essay Topic

The role of mentoring in developing future leaders is so important. Write an essay about someone you look up to, or who exemplifies what it means to be a mentor or leader in your community. 

Use of Artificial Intelligence

The use of generative AI tools (e.g., Chat GPT, Dall-e, etc.) is permitted for the following activities:

  • Brainstorming and refining your ideas.
  • Fine tuning your research questions.
  • Finding information on your topic.
  • Drafting an outline to organize your thoughts.
  • Checking grammar and style.

The use of generative AI tools is not permitted for the following activities:

  • Using the tool to compose content.
  • Writing a draft of the essay.
  • Writing entire sentences, paragraphs, or essays.
  • You are responsible for the information you submit based on an AI query (for instance, that it does not violate intellectual property laws, or contain misinformation or unethical content). 

Your use of AI tools must be properly documented and cited. Any essay that is found to have used generative AI tools in unauthorized ways will be disqualified.

Delegate Selection

  • The top-five finalists in the written portion of the competition (application score plus essay score) will be invited to an interview with the youth program coordinator.
  • Following the interviews, two winners will be named. These students will receive all-expense-paid trips.
    • One student will have an opportunity to attend the Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington, D.C.
    • One student will experience Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp in Steamboat Springs, CO. 
  • The third-place finisher will be named an alternate for either trip. The alternate would be asked to step in if another student could not attend their trip.
  • Essays will be reviewed and scored anonymously. 
  • All applicants will be scored if submitted on time.
  • Applicants not scoring in the top-five will be notified.
  • All applicants shall be considered without regard to race, age, color, religion, gender, national origin, or existence of a physical handicap.
  • All decisions are final.

 Scholarship Awards

  • Students that attend the youth program they were assigned to will be granted a one-time $1,000 scholarship to be paid in 2025 (senior year). 
  • FreeState will award one (1) $1,000 scholarship to the winning students during their senior year (2025) pursuing a traditional college path, or a trade/technical school education. 
  • Students will be required to complete a scholarship allocation form to have funds allocated to their higher education institution. 
  • Please note that scholarships are not guaranteed if an award winner does not meet eligibility requirements.


Deadline is 5:30 p.m. Thursday, February 15, 2024