Sun Powered Savings

FreeState strives for equity among members. Our distribution-level solar projects benefit all co-op members. The savings generated from our solar projects equitably affect each member’s energy bill, ultimately saving each and every member money.


Much of FreeState’s power costs are driven by the highest electric demand on peak days. Solar energy helps curb the demand, saving on the amount of power the co-op must purchase from our suppliers, Evergy and Kansas Electric Power Cooperative (KEPCo). On summer days, when members are running their air conditioners, the coop energy use hits its highest usage or “peak.” To keep up with this peak and level of demand during the hot summer months, FreeState must buy more power from our wholesale energy providers.


By harnessing solar power generated on the hottest days of the year, we can lower the cooperative’s peak demand-charge from our power providers. The kilowatt-hours (kWh) of solar energy produced o sets the additional energy we would need to purchase from Evergy and KEPCo. We instead purchase kWhs of renewable energy affordably through our solar agreements with Today’s Power and Evergy.


FreeState’s solar fields help members save on their electric bills in two ways, through kWh and demand savings. Using solar energy to offset the amount of electricity purchased from our providers means savings on each member’s energy bill.