Please call 1-800-794-1989 or use the SmartHub mobile app. To talk to a person, press zero.
All members (except those enrolled in the Pre-Pay Program) receive a standard monthly bill each month for electrical use. Bills are due and payable upon receipt. We realize one method of payment does not fit every FreeState member’s needs. Therefore, your cooperative offers multiple options for your convenience.
Did you know that most regular business you do with FreeState can be handled from the comfort of your home? It's true! Unless you need to pay with cash we have great options for you.
If you need assistance, please call our member service representatives during regular business hours (Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) at 800-794-1989.
We're here to help!
PowerPay Program
FreeState Electric Cooperative does not participate in the Cold Weather Rule that restricted electric disconnects from November 1 through March 31, when temperature forecasts were for 35 degrees or below. Rural Electric Cooperatives are not mandated to participate in this policy.
There will no longer be payment arrangements made on past-due accounts. All accounts are subject to disconnection for non-payment.
- Each day the previous day's kWh use, estimated power cost adjustment (PCA), prorated service, and device charge plus applicable tax are calculated and deducted from your credit balance.
- Payments can be made online 24/7 or by calling or visiting the FreeState offices during regular business hours (Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
- Low balance alerts are generated via email when the balance reached below $30.
- Service is disconnected when your credit balance reaches $0.
- Make a payment to reestablish a credit balance to reconnect service ($20 minimum).
- Metering
- FreeState meters are not able to decipher anything other than kilowatt-hours used. The meters we install only monitor energy usage and send that data back to our office over power lines. These meters are safe and reliable.
- The same technology used by banks, credit card companies, and cable providers is used to protect your information. Online data access is encrypted, in the same manner as a bank’s, enabling you to securely access your account to view your usage and pay your bill online.
- Our meters can provide members with near real-time energy usage information about how much, when, and even at what rate, it is used. This information can be used by the member to monitor power in their homes and assist them in conservation and saving money.
- These meters also detect power outages quickly and efficiently with the information provided by the meters and the supporting infrastructure.
- Billing
- Members will not receive a traditional bill in the mail each month.
- Email notifications are generated by the system and do alert a member when the account falls below $30.
Monitoring usage and account balances can be done online or via a mobile device. SmartHub is a free mobile app that will allow access to your account anywhere you are.
Any member is eligible.
We see several different circumstances. Here are the most common.
- Members wanting to save money each month.
- Members who utilize daily billing generally use less energy than folks on traditional billing arrangements because they are more aware of how much energy they are consuming. This could save members up to 12 percent by monitoring usage and being diligent when conserving energy. Some members have recognized more than a 12 percent savings.*
- Members wanting to conserve more energy or go green and paperless.
- Energy conservation helps the cooperative and in turn, saves everyone money. Members who are interested in conservation and saving energy could benefit from the PowerPay Program by monitoring daily usage closely and identifying ways they can cut back on usage.
- Members enrolled in the program will go paperless! And, that means a more green approach to bill paying.
- Did we mention less usage equals less billing?
- Member budgeting. Paying bills in smaller amounts, rather than one lump sum.
- PowerPay offers a great solution for members who would prefer to pay in smaller increments versus one larger monthly bill. Paying in smaller increments can be helpful if you're paid on a weekly basis or if you're managing a very tight budget.
- The cooperative does not want to see members fall behind on payments. We also don't want members to continually be charged late fees. PowerPay eliminates fees and eliminates deposits.
Enrolling in the PowerPay option is easy! Simply sign our PowerPay agreement and make an initial payment of any past due amount (if applicable) or $50. If accounts do have current amounts owed these can go to an arrangement that you'll pay down over time.
- Provide a valid phone number and email address.
- Non-payment fees (if applicable) are waived.
- Track use through SmartHub, FreeState's online bill-pay system.
- Make payments ($20 minimum) at convenient times for you and your schedule.
- Low account balance notifications are generated via email
FreeState is offering the PowerPay Program option to standard service. If you have questions about this or any other services we offer, please call our office at 1-800-794-1989.
*Results are individual and not necessarily typical.
Budget Billing
FreeState Electric Cooperative offers a billing program designed to help members spread the cost of energy consumption with consistent monthly payments. Budget Billing will aid in preventing unexpected high bills during peak seasons.
Any residential member in good standing, who has at least 12 months of usage history, with consistent on-time payments, is eligible to enroll in the program.
Upon program enrollment, the co-op will establish your monthly Budget Billing amount by averaging your billing history over the most recent 12 months of usage.
Each monthly bill will also display the actual current charges during that billing cycle (C). Your actual current charges may be more or less than your Budget Billing amount due.
The Budget Billing program is adjusted quarterly. The bills that generate in January, April, July, and October will reflect the average of the most recent 12 months of usage.
To remain in the Budget Billing program, members must have no more than two late payments within a 12-month period.
If the member’s account becomes inactive or the Budget Billing Program is terminated, the member is responsible for paying the Total Account Balance owed.
Contact us at 800-794-1989 or email to find out if you qualify.

Our automated pay-by-phone system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 877-853-6120. It is as simple as calling and following the voice prompts. This is a FREE service allowing you to make a payment by phone with a credit card, debit card, or check with NO fees. We recommend using your account number when calling to ensure accuracy. Also, be prepared to create a four-digit PIN. For security reasons and to comply with federal Red Flag Rules, FreeState employees cannot take your credit/debit card or check information over the phone via our local phone number; you must call 877-853-6120 to pay by phone.
Auto Pay
Sign up for AutoPay to have your electric bill automatically paid from your credit/debit card or checking/savings account. All members are eligible to sign up for the green, convenient program!
FreeState Electric Cooperative offers the convenience of paying your bill through an automatic bank draft. Each month, your bill can be automatically deducted from the account of your choice. You will continue to receive a paper bill so you can see your itemized bill.
Fill out a Bank Draft Authorization Form and return it to or FreeState Electric Cooperative, 1100 SW Auburn Rd., Topeka, KS 66615. If you fill out the form and return it you will still receive a paper statement.
Automatic payments begin the month after it is received by the co-op.
The easy way to pay your monthly bill. AutoPay will automatically pay your monthly bill directly from the financial institution or account, or card, of your choice on the bill’s due date.
When you enroll in AutoPay, your statement will display "AutoPay on {DATE} - DO NOT PAY". If you signup for AutoPay through the SmartHub system you can also opt for paperless billing and get your monthly bill delivered right to your inbox. You will receive an email with the amount due, and that your detailed bill is ready to view in SmartHub.
FreeState is not alerted when there is a problem with a member’s bank account or credit/debit card. On auto-pay, if your bank refuses payment due to lack of funding or if your card is declined due to lack of funding, expiration, or cancellation, the payment will not be processed. SmartHub alerts members via email when a card is about to expire giving you time to update the information. It is crucial that you use an active email account and keep it up-to-date to avoid service interruptions.
Call or stop by any of the FreeState offices and a member service representative will be happy to assist you in setting up your AutoPay. No time to get to our office? Use SmartHub to set up AutoPay. Download the tutorial at the bottom of this page.
Yes. If you discover AutoPay is not a good fit for you or your account you can give us a call to cancel, or you can utilize SmartHub to cancel. You can easily keep your account up-to-date by using SmartHub.
- It’s easy, convenient and fast
- No waiting in line
- Saves you time — your monthly payment is processed automatically
- No postage or check — Save the hassle of writing a check every month, paying postage and getting it mailed on time
- Avoid late payments and past due bills — Whether you’re home or away, this service keeps your payments on time since the payments are already scheduled for you
- Eliminate paperwork — If you choose to go paperless, you produce less paperwork and receive fewer bills in the mail since your bill is emailed each month and accessible through SmartHub
- Help streamline your finances — Especially when you are distracted by other events going on in your life
Drop Box Payments
Our drop boxes are checked daily during the week.
For those payments deposited in our drop boxes, please follow these guidelines.
If you are paying with CASH
- The full amount of Cash received will be applied to your account, and any credit left will be applied to your next bill.
- Cash must be placed in an envelope with either your account number or a copy of your electric bill statement to ensure it is applied to the correct account (print legibly)
- Please do NOT fold, bend or wad up your envelope, as it could get jammed in the dropbox and prevent others from depositing payments.
If you are paying with a CHECK
- Checks must be placed in an envelope with either your name and account number or a copy of your electric bill statement to ensure it is applied to the correct account (print legibly)
- Please do NOT fold, bend or wad up your envelope, as it could get jammed in the dropbox and prevent others from depositing payments
If you are paying with a Money Order
Fill out money order legibly with a pen in large, dark letters, so the details are clear
- Write FreeState Electric Cooperative in the "PAY TO" field
- Print your NAME and ADDRESS or in the "ADDRESS" field
- Record your ACCOUNT NUMBER
- Sign YOUR NAME in the "PURCHASER/FROM/SIGNATURE" area on the front of the money order
- Leave the back of the money order blank, as this is where the recipient must sign
- To ensure your payment is applied to the correct account, place the money order in an envelope with the name, address, and account number or your electric bill statement.
- Please do NOT fold, bend or wad up the envelope, as it could get jammed in the dropbox and prevent others from depositing payments.
- Keep the detachable money order receipt for your records as proof of purchase.
The dropbox at FreeState's Topeka office is located along the drive in the front of the building. The drop box at the McLouth office is located next to the front door.
***FreeState Electric Cooperative is not liable for lost or stolen payments. While we have video surveillance to keep payments safe, if you are concerned, FreeState suggests paying online through SmartHub.
SmartHub Mobile
This FREE service will allow you to access billing and account information and to manage your account from the convenience of your smartphone, tablet, or PC.
SmartHub delivers accurate, timely account information and allows you to make payments in a secure environment with the touch of a button.
Download FREE in your app store!
SmartHub Online
Visit SmartHub to set up an account. Log in any time from your computer, tablet, or smartphone to your account to make payments, view your billing history, set up automatic payments, check your electric use, and more. SmartHub is also available as a mobile app in the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
PAY NOW is an excellent option for those members who don't have time or don't wish to create a SmartHub account but still want to make a payment online with a credit or debit card. This method does not require you to create an account with a username and password.
Pay Cash
Members have options when it comes to paying their monthly electric bills.
Cash payments are accepted at each FreeState office location from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The Topeka location does have a drive-up window.
Utilizing the below cash options is the quickest way to post money to your account if you are not able to get to the office. For members utilizing money orders to pay bills, cash options require no mailing or driving to our offices. Save a stamp. Save the trip. Pay while you are running errands!
Many retail stores are open later than the FreeState offices or your bank. Cash payments are just one more way we make paying your bill as convenient as we can.