To Report an Outage:

Please call 1-800-794-1989 or use the SmartHub mobile app. To talk to a person, press zero.

Charges and Fees

Effective January 1, 2017 -- Revised December 2024
*Subject to change

New Service Application
Meter Reading
Disconnect Service
Reconnect Service
Non-Payment Fee
Line-Retention Fee
Seasonal Service Disconnect/Reconnect Fee
Temporary Service Fee

Minimum Charge, based on type of service.

Meter Tampering Fee

Member also owes estimated lost kWh for up to one year.

Whole House Surge Suppressor monthly rental
Service Call (business hours)
Service Call After Hours

Charged if the problem is on the member side of the meter

Returned Payment Fee
Late Payment Penalty

Charged the day after remit due date.

7% of past due
Meter Testing Fee
Based on actual cost
Underground Locate
Third-party direct bill
New Account Deposit
Determined by Credit Score
Residential Co-op Owned Security Light

Monthly charge is subject to change due to PCA





New Service Application....................................................  $0

Meter Reading ................................................................... $0

Disconnect Service ............................................................ $0

Reconnect Service ............................................................. $0

Non-Payment Fee ............................................................. $35

Line-Retention Fee ....................................................... $34.68

Seasonal Service Disconnect/Reconnect Fee................. $300

Temporary Service Fee ..................................................... $50 

          Minimum charge. Based on the type of temporary service.


Meter Tampering Fee ...................................................... $300 

          Member also owes estimated lost kWh for up to one year


Whole house surge suppressor............................. $5 per month

Service Call (business hours)............................................... $0

Service Call After Hours ................................................... $150 

      Charged if the problem is on the member side of the meter


Returned Payment Fee ...................................................... $30

Late Payment Penalty ....................................... 7% of past-due 

     Charged the day after remit due date

Meter Testing Fee ............................................. Based on meter cost

Underground Locate ....................................... Third-party direct bill

New Account Deposit....................................... Determined by applicant credit score

Residential Co-op Owned Security Light ......... $13.50 per month 

     Monthly charge is subject to change due to PCA.