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Your Membership Matters Most

Last month we recognized Cooperative Month, and it is always a great reminder about the cooperative difference, but I wanted to take it one step further this month and dive into why cooperatives really are different. And, why your membership matters.  

The most obvious way cooperatives are different than other utilities is that every decision is made locally, by trustees that are also members. These nine individuals who represent all members meet monthly to discuss the cooperative’s business and make decisions that impact not only you, but them as well. They are your neighbors and friends. 

Any member can be a trustee. Each April the members of FreeState elects their representation. Being a trustee is a great way to serve your cooperative. We will start our election process in early 2024, so you may start seeing information about serving as a trustee. If you would like to consider applying to be a trustee, you can visit our website or give our office a call. We are here to answer your questions about serving, and how you can get involved. 

Each month, when you pay your electric bill, your money stays right here. Each dollar that comes into the cooperative pays for the electricity consumed, and it is used to make improvements to our local infrastructure to ensure reliable service. Every bill you pay is an investment in your service! As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we do not have shareholders. In fact, any remaining profit at the end of the year, or margins, is returned to the members in the form of capital credits when it is financially feasible to do so. In 2024, the cooperative returned $800,000 to members. Other utilities can’t say that!  

FreeState also provides members with opportunities to engage with the cooperative. You may have attended an annual meeting, or you may have brought your family to Crew at the Zoo. These are fun events that allow us to educate and engage with members on a more personal level. We use these events as opportunities to talk directly to members and gather feedback on how we can plan and adjust in the future. Our job is to serve you, and we want to do that to the best of our ability. When we don’t know, we ask!  

Speaking of asking, we are preparing for our next member satisfaction survey. So, if you are one of the random members selected, we encourage you to participate and provide honest feedback for us. Tell us what we’re doing well and make suggestions on ways we can better serve you. Are there programs and services that you want or need? What can we better communicate to you, or what are some ways we can become your trusted energy partner? We want to know because our success lies in your satisfaction. That is why we take the time to engage and listen to members.  

You are a member owner of your cooperative, and you can count on the FreeState team to maintain local skilled job opportunities, affordable electricity, first-class customer service, and community support – no matter what.  

As a member owner of FreeState you can count on your cooperative to maximize the value provided through programs and services. For example, we provide several options for members to make payments because we know each circumstance is different. We strive to provide options that fit your needs.  

Another way we work for you is providing important information. When the lights go out, so do we, and we work hard to communicate restoration updates in a timely manner because that is what you expect and deserve. It’s all part of our first-class customer service. We employ the best in the business with the knowledge and expertise to not only provide you with what you need, but to run the cooperative in the most efficient and effective way we can – on your behalf.  

As a member owner of FreeState Electric Cooperative you are the focus of every decision we make. Cooperatives are guided by seven principles that reflect core values of honesty, transparency, equity, inclusiveness, community support, and service. We exist to serve you and provide reliable, safe, and affordable service that comes with friendly and knowledgeable member service interactions.  

While we may look different than we did 10, 20, 50, or 80 years ago, we are driven by the same core values as we were on day one. As technology evolves and communities grow, we are here to power your life.  

We want you to be thankful that this cooperative was created for you, the member. And your membership matters most.