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Fun Facts About Our Solar Sites

1. Inverters hum as they process energy and get louder when it's brighter outside. When cloudy, the inverters quiet down!

Inverters at solar sites transform direct current power from solar panels to alternating current power, which can be used to power homes and businesses. Energy is collected by solar panels, travels through inverters and then to substations before it is distributed to local communities.

2. Solar sites are sized to produce the energy area members use on a peak day!

For example, our Oskaloosa solar site is a one-megawatt solar farm, meaning it produces one megawatt-hour of energy every hour — the amount of energy the Oskaloosa Substation needs. FreeState cannot produce more power in the solar field than our members use in the surrounding area.

3. Solar panels are always leveled by changing the support beam height!

Yes, even on unlevel ground our panels are level. Each half of a solar panel can be a di erent height o the ground, but by adjusting the support beam under each section we can make the whole panel level! By adjusting panels this way, we can avoid leveling the ground and use conservation practices to keep the land’s soil and natural patterns.

4. FreeState's solar sites host a mix of native grasses that provide habitats for insects and butterflies- helping to preserve Kansas' natural beauty.

There are around 180 species of native grasses in Kansas prairies and a mix of these are planted around each FreeState solar site. Did you know Kansas has a state grass, just like we have a state motto? Kansas designated Little Bluestem Grass as our offcial state grass in 2010.

5. FreeState's five solar sites require little maintenance and are maintained through partnerships with Every Energy Partners and Today's Power INC.

FreeState’s engineering team monitors the solar fields’ energy production closely, however, we do not have sta dedicated to maintaining solar fields. Since rain clears the panels of dust or debris, and the sun clears the panels of snow minimal maintenance is required. When required, maintenance is performed by our energy partners.