no meeting


FreeState Cancels April 21 Annual Meeting in Proactive Response to Health Concerns


FreeState Electric Cooperative’s board of trustees has made the decision to cancel the cooperative’s annual meeting scheduled for April 21 in Perry. Trustee elections will be determined by mail-in ballots beginning April 1 and ending April 17.  


“Our concern for our community extends to the overall health and welfare of our members,” said Steve Foss, CEO. “With growing concerns over spreading COVID-19 we have made the difficult decision to postpone the annual meeting and we’ll keep everyone updated on future plans.”


“The ballots cast by mail will be used to determine the trustees,” add Foss. “Every member will get a ballot and detailed instructions are included on the ballot. We ask that members take a moment to vote and drop that envelope back into the mail by April 17.”


Foss urges members to mail the ballots back in the provided envelope so they are counted.


“Each member will get a ballot, and a return envelope that is preaddressed and prepaid. Please do not send them to the co-op in a different envelope. Do not include them with your monthly payment, and do not bring them to the office,” said Foss.


The Centers for Disease Control’s “All of Community” approach to slowing the transmission of COVID-19 includes minimizing social contact. With that in mind, FreeState’s board of directors and management have decided that canceling the annual gathering of several hundred members and guests is prudent in helping to slow the transmission of the virus.


“We want our members to know that we are taking steps to be prepared in the event there is a significant impact to our communities,” Foss said. “We are educating our staff and working on keeping our employees healthy so that we can continue to provide all members with the service you expect.”


FreeState will continue to operate normally with some staff working remotely.


“We want our members to know that the situation we’re facing is fluid, and if you need us, we’ll be here,” Foss said. “We are committed to maintaining open communication and will be utilizing Facebook and our website to send important information out to our members regarding business.”