While the world continues to evolve every day, I can’t help but think about the next generation and what it will look like. The thought of change can be scary at first, but it can also be beneficial. A community is much more than just a group of buildings and people scattered everywhere. It’s a place where each person can benefit from another, a place with a unique history.

As communities grow and change over time, there are a number of things I wish I could change for the better. I would add blessing boxes all around town filled with food and other non-perishable items. I would also make a prayer wall in my community where people can come at any time of day to write down what’s weighing on their hearts. I would organize a few events around town to raise money for a couple of local kids I know that have disabilities. Growing up with a brother with Spina Bifida, I understand that a little bit of money can make a big difference. He was supposed to be paralyzed, but thankfully survived a miracle. I wish people would see the world from the perspective that he sees. Another thing that I would do to make this community better would be to volunteer as much as I can. I believe that volunteering makes such an important impact on society. For each I wish for there to be education, healthcare, and housing available for everyone. I wish for racism, poverty, sexism, and other related terms to be ended. People will always talk about the changes they want to make, but nothing is ever done to help achieve that goal.

I would make sure that my community members are not alone. They will not suffer in silence. I want the people of my community to come together in a state of unity. Teamwork and the act of giving would be two key ideas in my community. My ideal community would be accepting of others, no matter how different each person is.