My community is one that strives to improve itself through rapport with its citizens, seeking a strong cooperative relationship within the community. The changes I would make would include improving the city’s infrastructure, enhancing the community center, and also increase neighborhood security. These changes can be accomplished with direction and cooperation, creating a positive impact thus improving my community.

I would work to improve my community center to make it easier to have access to public resources. This center would act as a resource and information center for everyone in the community. What this center could do is make connections with companies or organizations in a variety of towns or areas to build a network to help people. Youth needing service hours for various activities would be able to find assistance at the center. This center could direct resources brought from members of the community, for instance; if a farmer has excess vegetables they could donate them to the center and then distribute them to families in need. The center could be a place to seek and provide needs like transportation for the elderly.

I would create a neighborhood watch program to increase security for my community. I would schedule people to look over certain areas at certain times. I would primarily identify and focus on at risk areas and direct resources accordingly. I would implement rules and protocols to deal with cases if they would arise.

These are changes I would make to improve my community if I had the authority to do so. These changes are ones that are relatively simple but would have an immense impact on my community and build camaraderie for the entire town. Almost everyone uses public services and would benefit from enhanced infrastructure, a community center and a neighborhood watch program.