Steve Foss Column, November

November is time to consider what we’re thankful for, and this year I’m thankful for so many things, but mostly I’m thankful I’ve had the opportunity to have a full cooperative career.

For the past 38 years, I’ve been surrounded by people, commitment, and dedication. And, while I may be leaving my cooperative family at the end of the year to see what retirement holds, I’m thankful for the experience and people I’ve met along the way.

The most common question I get asked is, what will you miss the most once you ride off to retirement? The answer is the people I’ve worked with for the past 38 years. I’ve been blessed to work with top-rated talent, and they all have one goal in mind. Members first.

Another question I get asked is, what’s your biggest accomplishment? I find that one tough to answer, because I wouldn’t have any accomplishments without the people I have worked with, but I would have to say the consolidation in 2017 ranks up there. The success we have had has really been beneficial to members, and that is what matters. Because the endeavor will set FreeState up for long-term success.

As for what I’ll be doing in 2022 and beyond. Well, you’ll likely find me on the golf course, or spending time with my wife, Lori, and my family. They have really played a huge part in my career and have been so supportive. I intend to spend as much quality time with them as I can.

I just want to thank everyone at FreeState, and the board for bringing your best for cooperative members each and every day. Thank you to those I have met outside of FreeState, who have helped me on my quest to continually learn and improve. Thank you to the members of FreeState. It has been an honor and privilege to have served you.

Finally, I was asked what advice I had for incoming CEO, Chris Parr? Set goals and surround yourself with the best team you can. Meet challenges like opportunities.

And, enjoy it. It goes by fast.