it's hot!

July in the Kansas heat brings the need to stay cool by running the air conditioner during those sweltering days. It’s hard to think about cutting back on energy use when the temperatures reach three digits, but in fact, that’s the best time to consider saving electricity — even if it is just a little bit. 

By saving or conserving energy, you’re helping all FreeState members save money, and that’s cause for a celebration — fireworks included. 

A few degrees on your thermostat could be tangible savings for you. Being conscious of the peak times from 3 to 6 p.m. each day and saving those household chores until later in the evening or even earlier in the morning may help you save energy for your home and the entire cooperative. If all members do their part, the cooperative purchases less electricity during the most expensive times of the day — and that results in real savings for everyone. 

Summer isn’t the only time to conserve energy. It really is a year-round consideration. You can look at mechanical changes in your home, like older HVAC units or less efficient appliances. Those may be pricey options, but one inexpensive way to increase efficiency without buying new items is looking at your windows. You don’t need brand new windows. Improve the seal by caulking doors, windows, and any other openings where cold air could escape. The noticeable difference in switching to LED lightbulbs may also surprise you.

Another way to increase your efficiency is through the energy you use. The thermostat is a great starting point. There are smart options you can invest in that include apps and technology, or try adjusting the thermostat higher when you are gone or programming it to match your schedule. If you’re looking for simpler actions to take immediately, try washing clothes in cold water, running the dishwasher when you go to bed, keeping lights off when you aren’t in a room, or taking the family outside instead of sitting inside watching TV. 

If you have questions about how you can save or start conserving energy, contact our energy use coordinator. No matter what steps you take — small ones, larger ones — it doesn’t matter. They all help. FreeState employees want to help you save money and find ways to be as energy-efficient as possible.

Learn more about how you can Beat the Peak