Board Approves ESC Adjustment

Thursday | January 19, 2023
On Monday, January 16, the board of trustees approved the proposed electric service charge (ESC) adj...

Giving Sparks The Heart

Thursday | January 12, 2023
Giving to others and generosity sparks the heart to feel good. In 2022, members who participate in O...

Winter Storm - December 21, 2022

Tuesday | December 20, 2022
Information regarding the winter storm impacting the area on December 20 to December 22.

Trustee Election

Wednesday | December 14, 2022
Co-op Prepares for Important Step in Governance
Karol Lohman, Leavenworth, earned the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) distinction from the N...
FreeState Trustees Propose a $7 adjustment to Electric Service Charge as a Proactive Approach to Con...
In November, we announced that the FreeState board of trustees is proposing an electric service char...

Board of Trustees Proposes Adjustment

Thursday | December 1, 2022
FreeState Trustees Propose a $7 adjustment to Electric Service Charge as a Proactive Approach to Con...