By Henry Cloyd

To get to the camp in Colorado, the Kansas and Oklahoma students got to ride on a charter bus. We picked up other students on multiple stops on the way to Steamboat Springs. On our first night we stopped in Denver. While in Denver, we went to “IFly” for indoor skydiving. At our hotel we were assigned another person to room with for that night only. This person was someone different than the person we would bunk with for the rest of camp so we could get to know as many people as we could. The next morning, we left Denver for Steamboat Springs. When we got to camp, we quickly made friends with the Colorado and Wyoming students. On Sunday, we had a volleyball tournament and barbecue night. At camp there is a hot tub and pool that you can go to during free time. However, there is not a whole lot of free time because a lot of our time is filled with team-building activities and speakers who come in to talk about different aspects of leadership and how to become a better leader. The next day, we had a talent show where everyone had the chance to show off their unique selves and individual or group talents. On Tuesday, we went whitewater rafting down the Colorado River and ate lunch in the bank of the river. Later that day we had our dance. It was an outdoor dance and we got to make the playlist by request. There were lots of line dancing songs as well as swing dancing but there were also songs to just get hyped up, too. On our final day, we went to a restaurant for dinner. At dinner, our ambassadors gave their speeches for the people who would come back the following year. In the morning, we said our goodbyes and left to hit the road back home. My time at camp was the best part of my summer.