from ceo

As an electric cooperative, FreeState is governed by trustees who are members themselves and who are elected by fellow members. Trustees are responsible for representing the best interests of members when making important decisions. They guide the cooperative with these decisions. 

Being a trustee is vital to not only our cooperative but our communities. The decisions trustees make will impact service rates, work plans, employees, and your electric service. Trustees are responsible for setting policies and the fiduciary aspects of the cooperative business. The positions need men and women who not only understand the needs of the cooperative but also the needs of their communities, neighbors and fellow members.

Trustees are folks who know their position is a representation of every FreeState member who flips a switch to turn the lights on. 

The deadline to apply to run for a FreeState trustee position is quickly approaching. This year, three positions will be up for election, and it’s important to remind all members of how the cooperative board operates and how it is elected. 

Any member who has an interest in serving the cooperative is encouraged to submit an application to run for these positions. Think about a neighbor or friend that you think would be a valuable member of the board of trustees and encourage them to apply. 

When a member has met the criteria to become a candidate, they are taken to the nominating committee who will slate potential candidates. Although the committee does try to make certain our districts are equally represented each position on the board is considered at-large. This means all FreeState members are entitled to vote for all candidates because the board is democratically elected by members — all members, no matter what their address is. 

Running for the board is a commitment to a three-year term. It’s a commitment to learning and serving. It is a commitment to every member of the cooperative. 

Trustees matter. Let’s make a difference together. For more information on how to run for the board and the cooperative election process visit