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Crew at the ZooElectric cooperatives like FreeState would not exist without members like each of you. Being a member of a cooperative like FreeState is more than just buying electricity.

Today cooperatives across Kansas are doing much more than providing affordable electricity. Cooperatives are fully invested in members and communities because principles guide us, not profits.

The cooperative principles concern for community and open membership are two principles we highlight at our brand new member appreciation event at the end of August.

We are excited to introduce members to Crew at the Zoo on Saturday, August 28, at the Topeka Zoo. The Crew at the Zoo is unlike anything FreeState has done before. And, we’re doing it for you. The reason cooperatives exist. We have found ways to appreciate our members in the past, with the annual meeting or our community health and energy fairs. Still, as we came out of 2020 and unable to gather, we decided to go in a completely new direction.

Why the new direction? Because we’re looking at ways we can involve more members, and perhaps introduce an entire new generation to cooperatives and what makes them unique. We’re looking forward to putting on an event that can be something the entire family can enjoy.

The Crew at the Zoo is a day that FreeState employees and trustees celebrate you with free entry to the Zoo, lunch, and a chance to spend the day as a family. We want to see as many of you as possible, and you’ll have from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to stop by.

We will have a bucket truck, safety displays, energy efficiency information, and many more local organizations and businesses on hand for you to stop and visit. Part of the cooperative difference is a personalized touch. You aren’t a customer number; you are a member-owner. You are part of what makes co-ops unique.

We hope you’ll come out and join us because we are most excited to have the opportunity to talk to you, see you, and for some – meet you for the first time.