CEO March 2021

Annual meeting season, as we like to call it here at the cooperative, has arrived. We’re beginning to prepare for the annual meeting and we’re doing so with an abundance of caution. FreeState will still report the financial health of the cooperative and elect trustees, but we’ll be doing it a little differently this year — we’ll be doing it virtually. The board of trustees discussed annual meeting at length and have decided that a virtual annual meeting is the safest way to report cooperative business in 2021.

As part of a cooperative, the trustees guide the business on your behalf. Each month, they examine challenges facing the industry and determine how issues will impact all consumer-members. Trustees have a great responsibility, committing time and effort to our members and the communities we serve.

This is why using your voice to vote in the trustee election is so important. It’s what makes the cooperative unique. It’s your chance to have your voice heard. You have one vote, so use it wisely. Take time to read their biographical information or ask questions about the candidates. These are your neighbors, friends and community leaders who have chosen to step up for the chance to lead your cooperative.

Each year, we have a nominating committee tasked with choosing qualified candidates from the applicants and presenting members with a slate of qualified candidates. I can tell you that our committee takes recruitment of trustees seriously.

On Feb. 9, the nominating committee determined the 2021 slate presented to you. On pages 16B and 16C, you’ll find that information. We’ll also be posting short videos from each candidate to introduce you to who is running for the board, their qualifications and why they think they deserve your vote.

This year, you can expect your ballots to be delivered around April 1. The timing of this publication allows us to introduce the candidates to you this month and provide more information next month to help you decide who to vote for your representation.

All the information will also be available online at Candidate videos found at