Electric cooperatives would not exist without members. Being a member of a cooperative like FreeState is more than just buying electricity every month. It’s an investment into service and a commitment to communities because FreeState does more than provide affordable electricity.  

The cooperative principles of concern for community and open membership are two principles we are highlighting at Crew at the Zoo on Saturday, August 27 at the Topeka Zoo. And we are so excited to see you again this year!  

And we’re doing it for you. The reason cooperatives exist. We understand that priorities have changed, and the way we did things years ago doesn’t always match with the schedules and needs of our members today. The Topeka Zoo is the perfect place for us to provide a fun-filled day that you and your family can enjoy – together – no matter what generation you are.  

Crew at the Zoo is a day that FreeState employees and trustees celebrate you with free entry to the Zoo, lunch, and a chance to spend the day as a family. You will find your express entry pass in this issue, your August bill, or on our website. Just fill it out and bring it with you to the zoo to get your adventure pass and wristbands. If you’d like to get your wristbands and passes early, just stop by either office during Zoo Week – August 22 to August 26 – and pick them up.  

We will have a bucket truck, safety displays, energy efficiency information, and interactive activities you can check out while learning all about the cooperative difference. Part of the cooperative difference is a personalized touch. You aren’t a customer number; you are a member-owner. You are part of what makes co-ops unique. 

We want to see as many of you as possible, and you’ll have from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to stop by.  

You can find more information about our event at  

We hope you’ll come out and join us because we are most excited to have the opportunity to talk to you, see you, and for some – meet you for the first time.