Youth Tour Group at White House

BennettWashington D.C., the seat of our nation’s government, vast with historical landmarks and memorials, its significance second only to its sacredness. One place that embodies these revered principles is Arlington National Cemetery. The headstones in neat rows, designated in sections by letters and numbers. The hallowed grounds of the cemetery serve to remind us of the cost of war, the human cost. 

We were also lucky enough to visit the Korean War Veterans Memorial. The small memorial sits just to the south of the reflecting pool and written on a ledge in bold words is the phrase, “Freedom is Not Free.” A stark reminder of the freedom given up ensuring the freedom of others.

While the impacts made by these landmarks and memorials are undeniable, my favorite memories were thanks to the people I experienced this opportunity with. I know that sounds corny but it’s true. When reminiscing, I think of the people I met, the friends I made and, of course, the museums, memorials and other attractions are some of the most memorable in the world. My dad said it best before the trip even began, “these people might make some of your favorite memories.” 

He was right. 

Sadly, I can’t fit everything we did into this short summary, but I can say one thing. If you like history, and you want to have a great summer, apply for this trip in 2025. 

I can truly say the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour was one of my favorite trips.


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