Ask Matt September

Dear Matt, 
My daughter is moving into her first apartment. It’s a milestone moment for us! How can we help her save money on her utilities? What she can and can’t do is pretty strict. 

This is a great question! Rental properties often have strict guidelines regarding what you can and can’t do to the property. So, it is sometimes harder to know how to go about energy efficiency when you don’t have control over making structural improvements. But, saving money in a rental is possible. Here are some tips to pass along to your daughter. 

Purchase Energy-Efficient Appliances
If appliances must be purchased, I would invest in energy-efficient models. An ENERGY STAR® appliance is one that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy have identified as the most energy-efficient. She will have these investments for years to come, and they can move with her.

We’ve mentioned this before, but lightbulbs are the easiest way to save money right off the top. LED bulbs use about 75% less electricity. So, purchase some lightbulbs and start swapping them out if needed. If that’s not allowed, be sure to request LED bulbs from your landlord. 

Turn the Lights Off and Adjust the Temperature
If you aren’t in a room, shut the lights off. Adjusting the thermostat a few degrees uses less energy when you are at work or gone on weekends. 

Don’t Let Air Out
Shut doors and windows when the heating or cooling unit is in use. Make sure vents aren’t blocked with furniture, and if there is a window unit make sure it’s sealed properly. Also, window coverings can make a big difference.


Every month, Energy Use Coordinator Matt Lambert, will answer questions about energy efficiency, renewables, co-op programs, and everything in between. Email Matt