annual meeting globe

Join us at the annual meeting of FreeState Electric Cooperative on April 26, 2022, at the Topeka FreeState office (1100 S.W. Auburn Road). Members attending will receive a $10 bill credit after registering. The first 750 members will be guaranteed a meal and attendance gift. 

Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. and the co-op will be serving food prior to the business meeting that will begin at 7 p.m.

At-Large Trustee Election
On Feb. 7, 2022, members of the FreeState nominating committee, appointed by the board of trustees, met to present candidates for election to the FreeState board. The candidates listed are to be presented to the membership for consideration at the upcoming annual meeting on April 26.

During the annual meeting, three board members will be elected. FreeState members will vote by an at-large system. Members can vote for any of the nominees in any district. The candidate receiving the most votes in the west district will be elected to a three-year term. The two candidates receiving the most votes in the east district will both be elected to three-year terms. The 2022 trustee positions up for election are as follows:


  • RALPH PHILLIPS (incumbent) 



  • MARK WULFKUHLE (incumbent)


FreeState is governed by the policies set by our board, all of whom are FreeState cooperative members. Our board provides a vital connection with our membership and the community at large. 

How Can I Vote?
We understand not every member can attend the annual meeting, but we want to make sure you can participate in the election. Each FreeState member gets only one vote and every member has three voting options available. 

  • Vote by mail 
  • Vote at the annual meeting 
  • Vote by proxy


Vote by Mail
Ballots will be mailed beginning April 4, 2022, and must be returned by April 22 to ensure they are counted. Simply complete the ballot using the instructions listed and return as directed in the postage-paid envelope provided.

Please return the ballot using the postage-paid envelope. Do not bring ballots to the FreeState office. 


Frequently Asked Questions

FreeState Electric Cooperative bylaws state that the cooperative shall hold an annual meeting of members. Here are a few frequently asked questions to help you plan to attend the meeting.

Do I need to wear a mask?
At this time Shawnee County does not require masks, however, we encourage all members to be comfortable and masks are encouraged, not required. FreeState will continue to monitor county requirements and provide communication if something changes.

What about COVID-19 protocols?
FreeState will monitor the situation. We know some members may not be comfortable at an in-person meeting, and we will provide a live broadcast of the meeting so everyone has a chance to participate. We encourage members to make a decision that is best for their family.

Where do I park and where do I enter the meeting?
Parking will be available on the south side of the shop. Members will enter through the doors on the south side of the building. There will be staff there to help direct members, and new this year is valet parking for members who are handicapped or need additional assistance.

Can my spouse and I both vote?
No. Only one vote cast per member household or business. Your name should appear on your family’s account to be eligible to vote.

If I vote by mail can I still attend the meeting?
Yes. You will not receive another ballot, but you will have access to the meeting, the bill credit and meal, and a chance to win door prizes.

Vote at the Annual Meeting
The annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at FreeState’s Topeka office. Members will be issued a ballot when they register if they have not voted by mail prior to the meeting. 

Vote by Proxy
If you cannot attend the annual meeting and you forget to mail your ballot in time, you can vote by proxy. Complete the proxy form online at and give it to another FreeState member or adult relative in the same home and they can cast the vote for you.