annual meeting faq

Join us virtually for the annual meeting of FreeState Electric Cooperative on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Registration will open March 1. Voting begins April 1 and will close April 23. Mail-in ballot will be the only way to vote in 2021. Register for the virtual meeting at

registerOn Feb. 9, 2021, members of the FreeState nominating committee appointed by the board of trustees met to present candidates for election to the FreeState board. The candidates listed are to be presented to the membership for consideration at the upcoming annual meeting on April 27.

Prior to the annual meeting, three board members will be elected. The results of that vote will be announced during the virtual annual meeting.

FreeState members will vote by an at-large system. Members can vote for any of the nominees in any district.

The 2021 trustee positions up for election are as follows:

East District Trustees

  • Ed Mullins
  • Michael McNary
  • Matt Turecek (incumbent)

West District Trustees

  • Bill Conley (incumbent)
  • Robert Sage (incumbent)

The two candidates with the most votes in the west district, and the candidate with the most votes in the east district will be elected to the board of trustees.

FreeState is governed by the policies set by our board, all of whom are FreeState cooperative consumer-members. Our board provides a vital connection with our membership and the community at large.

How can I vote?
We understand that not every member can attend the virtual annual meeting, but we want to make sure you can participate in the election.

Vote by mail
Ballots will be mailed beginning April 1, 2021, and will need to be returned by April 23, 2021, to ensure they are counted. It is easy to vote by mail. Simply complete the ballot using the instructions listed and return as directed in the postage-paid envelope provided. Please return the ballot using the postage-paid envelope. Do not bring ballots to the office.

Who do I vote for?
Candidate biographical information is printed in this magazine and will be reprinted in the April magazine for your reference. It will also be included with mailed ballots. The information printed has been provided by the candidates. To see candidate bio videos visit

Vote to approve 2019 meeting minutes
No meeting was held in 2020 and that means the cooperative still needs to approve the 2019 minutes. FreeState is adding the minutes to the 2021 ballot packet and members will vote via mail to accept the minutes as presented, or to not accept the minutes as presented.